YOUR FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE......What do ya'll remember?First thanks to SoWise for the tag, it made me think. Mind you it wasn't that long ago, I'm a week away from being a junior. My status will officially kick in on May 20 when '06 peaces out, cause I will be taking a summer course by choice not by force.
School: Loyola College in Maryland
Where did you live? Hopkins Court, 2nd Floor, The Closet (Smallest room in the newest freshmen doors, certified tourist attraction.)
Who was/were your roommate(s)? Pat Sisk (Couldn't stand him, I told him "Don't make me go Baltimore on you!" He moved out and I had a single. Some people were scared for my safety cause he was taller and more athletic. Let me tell you B-more can handle ours. Ya betta ask somebody!)
Do you still talk to them? No. He looks down when he sees me, I stay on my grind!
Ever get in trouble in the dorms? Yeah kind of sort of when I "warned" the ex-roommate, cause the RA was one of his drinking buddies, and the fool didn't like me, maybe because I was a RA in high school, and told him "I knew his job" thinking to myself, "I know it and can do it better." Say what? It was true, still is true.
Something you remember about when you first lived on campus? Going to a lecture like once a week for extra credit & Midnight Breakfast on Friday and Saturday nights/mornings. It's free breakfast to try to give people stuff to do so there's no need to get drunk. Mind you it ends up being where the drunk kids come after the bars. Think about it if you start between 6pm-7pm. you got time to make it back to campus to eat free pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice, blah, blah, blah.
Your campus phone number or other number 410-617-4881 (I didn't remember it I had it on file LoL)
First party attended? I'm trying to think if I've been to an official college party, and I have been it wasn't here. I did go to a couple of things down at Hopkins, for my friend lost touch with me.
First Bar you got wasted at? I don't drink.
Favorite Pizza Place? Stokos it's where everyone went to get greasy fod.
Favorite place to go out to eat? Anywhere just to get off campus I liked Alonso's which is like two blocks away, anywhere at Baltimore's Inner Harbor, or them neighborhood joints as long as it appears they can pass health inspections.
Did you go to the library? Only when forced to, because I can be distracted in my own room. Our library is 1) too far from residences except the freshman dorms for exiles 2) not the best study environment 3) needs to be updated.
What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on? The second floor, my floor, just cause.
Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined? Career Peer Educator, Mad Stuff off Campus
Where did you buy your books? The bookstore
Who made the best wings? Not a wings guy
Ever attend a sporting event? Girls lacrosse to cheer for the people I know who play at Duke and UVA
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance? Former SNL drunk Jim Bruer, and some other not so diverse stuff
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in your dorm hall? No, I need my bed. And I would never get it in on this campus.
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go? LoL I don't go out. I mean I hang out on some Friday's and Saturday's, but I don't be clubbin. I did work parttime on Saturday's most of freshman year. Maybe clubbin will be on the agenda for the fall. But I sometimes went downtown just to hang out!
Where did you get coffee? Only when at work on campus, cause I am an early bird for the most part.
Favorite part of Halloween? Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Twix, mmm hmmm
Go see a play or been in one? I remember plays by the Shenandoah (sp?) Shakespeare Company (my core advisor and English prof loved em), and I loved going to a dramatic reading of some of Zora Neale Hurston's lesser known works
Did you ever have a job at school? Financial Aid Office Office Assistant, Program Associate at Port Discovery Children's Museum
What do you hate about your college? I hate the lack of diversity which exists and still exists, I hate the disunity with the Baltimore community, I hate the complacency in my department and in campus media, I hate how people would just stare in your face, I hate how people would just stop on the pedestrian bridge right in the middle, I have a strong dislike for the LoCo ppl who fulfill stereotypes, thoe ignorant people, the arrogant people, the saditty people, ppl who wouldn't be in their offices, ppl who went on vacation not on a break, profs that seemed to think there's was the only class on Earth
What did you love most about it? The jury's still out on that one!
Ever leave to go on a road trip, where? No, not yet. Maybe if I whip it before senior year.
Where would you believe is the best location to live in? Lange Court, close to everything, but it's own little space
Graduated or still attending? Still paying for what I'm unsure, atleast I got many scholarships, now I just have to keep them.
Year of graduation? 2008 if all goes according to plan
Will you go back? Once I'm gone naw, not unless someone is paying for me to get a Master's and even then I'd try somewhere else
How many parking tickets have you gotten there? No whip
Finally, ever gotten arrested? Naw, I may pursue law school, that wouldn't look good
And now for the "4 Things" questions...Four nicknames I've been given: Chris, CNEL, Goody, Sherman (I'm a recovering fat boy)
Four movies I would watch over and over: Love Jones, Hav Plenty, She Hate, When Harry Met Sally
Four jobs that I have had in my life: Laborer at a Florist, Youth Ambassador: Street Team Member Registering Voters, Intern: Communications and PR at a Government Agency, Program Associate at a Children's Museum
Four places I have lived: Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore
Four TV shows I like to watch: Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order: Original, Girlfriends (When I can catch it), A Different World reruns
Four places I have been on vacation: Atlantic City, New Jersey, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Missouri
Four things I could NOT live without: My family (crazee, cooky, stressful, but loving), My friends (those ones who down for whatever, whenever), A Good Book, Good Music
Four of my favorite foods: Chicken salad sandwiches, chicken quesadillas, salad, a good burger
Four places I would rather be right now: Home, with some of the homies from back in the day, somewhere making serious dough, somewhere on vacation wit a pretty intelligent woman
So you know these things tend to inspire me to make up a tag of my own in the vein of "Would you rather be a midget or crackhead?"A midget, being short is like a sport, just lean wit it rock wit it
"If you could only listen to 3 songs for the rest of your life what would they be?" I Told the Strom Greg O'Quinn, Beautiful Surprise by India Arie, This Woman's Work by Maxwell