It's Saturday and I finally have a day off.
I almost got called in, thank God those plans fell through.
I'm trying to find a way down to D.C., not convinced my hoopty will make it down I-95.
A friend of mine was drafted to the NBA and is having a series of celebration parties.
I really want to go down and support him, but brother needs a ride LoL.
So hopefully my other boy from high school, gets off and we can make it down.
If not I'll find another way to connect with dude and show him I'm proud of him.
Another week has passed and I'm reminded that time moves forward not backwards.
I was up on the phone with a friend of mine down in Dallas, who said the death of Michael Jackson has reminded her why she wants to be in radio.
Sometimes it takes that reminder whatever it is to remind you of where you need to set your sights.
I'm on the hunt for my next endeavor where I'll be able to grow.
A co-worker reminded me recently I'm not in school anymore, I'm in the professional world, and therefore have to deal with the new realities I'm faced with everyday.
At 22, a year out of college, and almost a year in television news, I'm wondering if it's for me.
There are days when I feel as if I should be doing something more service oriented, something which day in and day out, I can see as making a difference.
So maybe it's time for Plan B, as I've seen to have given Plan A a good long run.
I must hope that whatever plan I end up on A, B, or C it works out.