Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Okay Chris Brown

So as I was late to find out on Sunday singer Chris Brown reemerged onto the pop culture scene with a performance at the BET Awards. Brown as you may remember pleaded guilty in June 2009 to assaulting his then girlfriend a fellow singer Rihanna during a fight back in February 2009. Now after the incident many believed Brown's career would go down in flames. He lost endorsements and was highly criticized by many of his fellow entertainers.

During his performance honoring the Michael Jackson one year after his death, Brown shed tears {if you check out the video above it's about 4:49 in} and many immediately asked why he was crying. Was Brown crying for M.J., crying for Rihanna, or crying for himself.

The next day "The View's" Elizabeth Hasselbeck said she believed he was crying in part because of what the song "Man in the Mirror" means at this point in Brown's life. After having his life turned upside down because of his actions and admitted mistakes that song definitely has to resonate with Brown. Beyond hoping that he is sincerely remorseful and having learned something from his ordeal there isn't much more for me to say.

Someone asked me yesterday why the media was quick to condemn Brown. I said it was because that was the public's response shock and dismay that he would beat a woman. Many feared he would lead to Rihanna's downfall, so they wanted his career to suffer instead.

Far be it from me to say who does and doesn't deserve second chances. But if this young man really wants to prove that he is a changed man then it will be because of his future deeds that we'll really no. Tears that some confuse for crocodile tears may not be enough to judge him on.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Bit of Perspective

So I got my first speeding ticket today.
No I wasn't pulled over by an officer, instead I got a picture from one of those "speed monitoring systems" aka "speed cameras" bka as "speed traps."
But I took this once in my lifetime experience to be a sign to just slow down and take it easy.
These last few months have been a whirlwind of emotions and events.
I went from desperately feeling like I needed to begin a new chapter, to being offered a job in New York City, to the current apartment hunt, and the anxiety about the big move.
So I'm taking it slow, easing off the accelerator and enjoying the moments on what will hopefully continue to be a smooth ride.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Thought of the Day

I'm listening to this "soon" to be released Fantasia song "The Worst Part Is Over" and it has an incredible line, "See, I've been to a place called hell on Earth and that part is over." It's all about getting through and getting over.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Check out why I have been infrequent on blogger

My latest blog: D.C. 'renaissance man' hopes to make a distinct impression on 'Design Star'