Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Play Fair


Currently listening to Chris Brown's "Chris Brown" particularly the single, "Young Love" thanks to my friend J.D.

J.D. wrote me the following earlier today:
"i kno and were still 2gether!!! im really amazed and we still hav tha spark n our relationship lol this...i am really amazed!!!!"

So young and so funny.

She reminded me that though she has it together, some women just don't.

I love how some women refuse to play fair.

If you have a man, don't even tempt me. Check that, it's not even about tempting me, don't even play yourself. You can play eye or mind games all you want, but I for one am smarter than you. Don't do it to yourself! I can say no, and I surely won't disrespect the other man cause I wouldn't want him to disrespect me. Know that no matter how cute you look I have what shall we call it? Oh will power or better yet a conscience. Even if you want to play like you aren't interested we all know your ability to call me to console, comfort, entertain, advise, or save you says more than the words you refuse to speak say.

Why must some women attempt to wield their feminine wiles as weaponry?

Just play fair, I say. Play fair.

1) Don't play mind games: Don't play like if things were a little different, things would be that much more simple, and our lives totally uncomplicated.

2) Don't play the eye game: Don't give us the pleading look. Begging is not sexy.

3) Don't play the lip game: Please refrain from using the lip gloss that you know will make us do a doubletake.

4) Don't do that thing with your fingers: The come hither is so not going get it, though it makes us reevaluate.

5) Don't do that thing with words: That thing that makes us feel as if we need to do whatever it is you say, cause its right. Cause sometimes we need to be wrong :-).


At 8:35 AM , Blogger Chris said...

we all know that women play games, and most of them are not for our benefit, but it's good that you decided to lay down some ground rules for dealing with them.

At 9:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men of the world unite!!!!

*pimp hand raised in the air*

At 2:32 AM , Blogger Jameil said...


ahem. how you gone say "refrain from using the lip gloss that you know will make us do a doubletake"?? HUH-FREAKIN-LARIOUS!!! love it.

hmmm... i think you're doin all this protestin b/c its working and you're trying to talk yourself down.

At 11:43 PM , Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

To quote the great CNelly..."So young and so funny!" :)


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