Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Does She Like Me or Just Like Messing With Me?

Listening: Kelly Rowland "Ms. Kelly" : Flashback

Doing: Laundry

Preparing: For Work with the Kids

Dredding: Anything that comes before Saturday @ 1 a.m.

So last night after I was about to punch out the fellow R.A. I was sitting in my room about to read and then go to sleep.

Then I hear a knock at the door.

It's around 1:00 so I think it may be one of my residents needing something.

I open the door.

Standing there posted against the wall is this girl I was crushing on.

I was like blown cause she's smiles a saddistic smile and then laughs.

"Come on now you knew I was going to come and mess with you."

"Not tonight, not the same day, after I had just seen you."

She laughs.

We work together and she goes to LoCo. So I had seen her and spent time with her earlier.

Our Conversations: AWKWARD. She sat there talking about the other boys she'd danced with at a party last weekend. THIS IS THE SAME ONE I BROUGHT PANTIES (GAG GIFT REMEMBER) FOR SO YES SHE KNOWS I LIKE HER. YES, I'VE TOLD HER. YES I'VE FLIRTED.Then she went down the list of other things that she'd done over the week. I did what I was always did I acted like I didn't care and made sarcastic comments. She did like she always does. She continued.

Back to last night. She starts interrogating me and pushes open my door so she can get a better view of the room.

I'm like so tired, so drowsy, so dazed, and so confused.

It's like that for about five more minutes.

Then I finish the book I've been reading, "Gloss" and then I go to bed.

I wake up sort of wondering if last night really happened. Then find myself wondering about HER intentions. Does she like me or does she like messing with me? On the one hand she calls me weird. But then sometimes she seems to go out of her way to show up when she's least expected. I'm like ummm either get with it or get lost. I don't know. Part of me still loves her smile, still loves to be around her, but knows she's flaky and unstable. And she's young. Young and dumb @ LoCo sometimes synonymous.

Then things start raising through my head, "It's a game CNEL...but tricks are for kids CNEL...she's young and dumb graduate in May CNEL."

LoL I think I'll just leave it alone since I tend to overthink things.


At 1:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have to say one of my favorite quotes is by that darn rabbit he said it right when he said "Tricks are for kids"

At 5:57 PM , Blogger Chris said...

you're better than me. She would've got the cuss out of a lifetime.

At 11:31 AM , Blogger Jameil said...

you are WAY overthinking this. just roll with it and relax.

At 9:12 PM , Blogger Southerner in Suomi said...

I say roll with it too. I got a dude at work right now!!! Calls me weird everyday, but is ALLLL up in my grill.

Weird is great.


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