Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, August 04, 2006


So growing up I was always a storyteller. I was the go to person for information on a lot of things, most things random. Even before I could read well, I didn't get really good at that until I was almost 7. Yeah, I was a little slow. But even before I could read well, I could understand local news. My early evenings were spent at the knee of my granddad watching local news. I always had to be in the know, and I always could be counted on to give the scoop. One of my Aunt's began calling me "Little Jerry Turner" in honor of a local news anchor. But Jerry had a partner, Al Sanders. So when I saw this video which honored the late local news giant Al Sanders, it made me remember why I love TV News.


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