Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Below is a blog posting by Grown N Sexi and CNEL's response

We love it when you come behind us and wrap your arms around our waist and just hold us while whispering in our ears...DAMN THAT'S SEXY!!!

Now that is very manageable, you should never have to teach a man how to hold or console you. And he shouldn’t be whispering sweet nothings but instead letting you know that you are his everything.

When we talk.. really.. I mean really listen to what we're saying.. I'm tired of guys who can't carry a conversation unless it's about sex or sports.. Expand your horizons for goodness sakes!!! Being opinionated is not always a bad thing.. just as long as you don't force your ideas upon others...

I am quite sure most guys are capable of holding a conversation, you have to make sure you phrased the question the right way, or started the discussion the right way. Having an informed opinion not being opinionated is what counts.

Passion is always a must!! Passion not only in the bedroom.. but passion for your ideas and opinions.. Stand firm in what you believe in... A little debate every now and then adds a little spice to your relationship..

Agreed passion is a must. A man or woman who is passionate is committed to giving their all in life and in love. I once heard Tavis Smiley say, "You can either live for a cause or you can live just because." And what better cause than a good man or woman. And if a man is your man, or a woman is your woman, they should feel that they are able to express themselves honestly, openly, and freely, without being judged.

Compliments are wonderful and can be a beautiful thing if done correctly.. Just because we give you a compliment does not mean you have to return the favor.. Compliments are best when least expected..

I give compliments to women all the time, it doesn’t seem to help me any. HaHa just kidding. You’re right it can never hurt to tell a woman thank you for being beautiful, thank you for being you, and thank you for being with me. Compliments are like flowers they make living that much more beautiful, but they can also give one an allergic reaction, so make sure the compliment means something. And yeah it’s better when they’re from the heart, don’t say it just cause, say it because it’s true.

BE OBSERVANT!! When we change our hairstyles or wear new things.. SAY SOMETHING!! Let us know that u notice the difference..

Sometimes beautiful is beautiful and that can’t change. And what happens if we don’t like it, the new you ? Well I can kind of see your point, you want the man to let you know that beautiful is still beautiful.

When we tell you we'll call you back.. WE MEAN JUST THAT!! Don't call us 20 mins. later and expect us to carry on a conversation with you.. Be EASY!!!!

Now this one I have a problem with. Now here’s where woman sometimes (emphasis on some women and some of the time) get a little dishonest. One of my biggest complaints is this, when you say you’re going to call us back, you don’t. If you don’t call us back, you told us a big fat lie. If you don’t want to talk say just that, I don’t feel like talking or I got something to do. Don’t say I’ll call you back to get rid of us. Cause if we haven’t heard from you in a while, we will call, and it may be annoying. FORGET "BE EASY"...try "STAY HONEST."

Oh and another thing.. although you may love us there is NOT a need to tell us 20,000 times a day.. everyday.. You can show us better than you could ever tell us!!!

Here’s another one I have a problem with. You get mad as hell when a man takes forever to say he loves you, and now you don’t want to hear it. Make up your mind! This is one of the instances where because of a statement like this a man will say a woman is illogical and or irrational. I agree deeds count more than words, but I still think the three little words with big meaning need to be said. I mean one has the potential to overdo it, but not really. If you don’t like hearing those words than do you really love ol boy or ol girl? When you don’t like hearing the truth you may be living a lie.

I’m jumping down off the soapbox, CNEL


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