Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

What Is a Black Queen?

What is a black queen?

A black queen is first and foremost true to herself. If she doesn't treat herself right, how could I expect her to do me right?

My philosophy is this, treat yourself right first, and you'll be able to treat others right later. As for now I'm in a relationship with myself, getting my life right, so I can be able to add something to the life of the right woman, and be able to receive the gifts she has to give to me.

My mother always uses the Bible on me and so she says,"He who finds a wife, finds a God thing." Right now as I said I'm not looking, and I won't ever really be looking. Because I believe that when the right woman comes along it won't be that I have found her or she has found me it will be that we have found each other.

Back to the question: a Black Queen is brilliant, beautiful, bold, caring, committed to herself, her family, her friends, and her vision of what her life should be. She is driven, determined, honest, humble, intelligent, loving, loyal, and passionate. A black queen is so many things, but the key to her existence and to her essence is that she is "authentic." She is all these things yet she makes it look easy. She is all these things yet her grace, her beauty, her style, and her class all shine through and everyone knows that what she is, what they see is real, and that what they see is truth.


At 9:18 PM , Blogger Ashley said...

I agree with you. Especially with the second line. As a black woman raised by a lot (and I mean a LOT) of strong black woman and a healthy positive male role model all I have been taught is to be honest and true with myself. Especially when I am struggling. All of the qualities that you have listed are real and attainable, but sometimes as a young woman you can falter and lose your footing as you develop your indentity as a woman. I think that's when two important factors come in: a) faith in a higher being and a strong foundation of individuals who love you and want you to succeed. From experience I can attest that when you have those two factors, it forces you to continue you on and also to give back to others (not only through your character and actions) because you realize the value of what others have done for you. I guess my point is being that Black Queen is not a single person effort, it comes from experiences and growth and the people you surround yourself with. Having men like you helps Black Queens (like myself :) ) continue on.


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