Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do You Remember?

I remember where I was when I first heard planes had struck the towers.
It was sometime around now seven years ago.
I was on campus in the compter lab likely checking my e-mail, reading the news, hobbies of mine which haven't died. ;-)
I remember the Technology Director came out of her office and said a plane had flown into the twin towers.
We didn't think it was serious at first. We thought maybe a crop plane, or another small plane had gotten misguided and flown into the buildings.
Over the next hour or so we got a clearer picture.
They called an assembly around 10am, we all met in the school auditorium and they told us what was happening. We learned about the twin towers, and the attack on the Pentagon.
In my third period class Spanish II with Sra. Oldani we watched the news coverage of the days events.
I remember after school going back to the dorms and watching hours upon hours of CNN as Judy Woodruff, Aaron Brown, and Paula Zahn tried to make sense of it all.
I remember wondering where the heck the President had escaped to, why he and Cheney thought it important to be separated.
I remember the Congress making that joint appearance and show of solidarity on the steps of the Capitol.
I remember bonding with people I had never talked to ven if they lived across the hall or upstairs.
I remember feeling like an American, I remember feeling hurt and despair.
I remember many of the black students thinking to ourselves dang another blow, first Aaliyah, and then the twin towers.
I remember thinking about how I had never flown before (that moment didn't happen until the following November).
I remember because I can' t forget.
I remember because it was most certainly a defining moment for my and every generation.


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