Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life Update

So this summer I've certainly been slacking on my blogging. Blame it on my job. Blame it on me adjusting to life after college. Blame it on my being tired when I get home from work. Blame it on me not wanting anyone at work to find my blog, even though there are times when I should write, right there in the moment (That might be a reason to go ahead and get my smart phone). You see a theme, my job is taking over my life.

Anyway this week was same ol same ol during the week I went to work and came home, went to work and came home.

I'm not used to this, I'm not used to fighting to spend time with my friends and to do the simple things which I enjoy, but I'm reminded that I'm not in college anymore.

On the job front, for the last few weeks I've been doing split duty. This means two days on assignment desk and three days working the web desk. This week however I did three days on the assignment desk. I'm not a fan of the assignment desk. For those who don't know the assignment desk editors or managers are responsible for working to generate story ideas, assign stories, assign crews, communicate with crews, set up interviews, vet stories (see whether there's any truth to them or they're noteworthy) and conduct research. Basically the desk is the middle man between those at the station, and those in the field. The desk plays referee in the middle of the game. Some T.V. folks might agree with me that working the desk is an acquired taste. When thinking of how to describe my disdain for the desk to one of the network VPs during a conference call, I really wanted to compare it to beer, the exact quote which I had in mind at the time was "much like beer, the assignment desk is an acquired taste."

Working the desk has been a bit frustrating. What's the most frustrating thing you might ask? For me it's dealing with the personalities. I can't deal with rude, arrogant, and self-righteous people. There's one anchor/reporter that I want to kick in the throat, and there's an assignment desk editor that as far as I'm concerned can suffer the same fate. I'm also not prepared to be disrespected ever. I had to let my supervisor know, she needs to get her boy. I went home so frustrated last Wednesday, I was ready to look for a new job. It was a lot like this blow up .

But I'm learning as you have to do in the new business, to not take it personal. My immediate supervisor is the managing editor, and I can walk into the office of the Assistant News Director or the News Director if I need to do so.

But this was a reminder to keep my eyes and options open, because you have to do for you.

Aside from work drama, which ended with my two co-workers in the web department having a blow up talked about in the entire newsroom, I did finally get to hang out with friends.

On Wednesday I got together with the best friend from high school KG the future doc, and my mentee T-Win. We went to the home of one of our former teacher's and spent time with her and her hubby to eat, chit chat, and of course watch the Olympics. They're the type of folks, each of them, who helps me to remember who I am, when I'm on the verge of forgetting. They speak to what another friend who said to me once, "I find that in the end it's your friends who sustain you."

I saw and spent time chilling with Eps after his visit to his gf.

Other than that I've been searching for a car. I got my first hoopty today, mainly so I have something to get me to and from work. Pray for my sake that it holds up especially through winter, so I won't be on the bus stop with the kids.

Also, really enjoying Sidney Poitier's "Life Beyond Measure". Earlier in the summer I had stopped reading it, put it down, stepped away,and came back to it. Now I'm working through it more than halfway through and Poitier as I've written here before gives one much to contemplate.

That's it for my life right now, hope everyone's well.


At 4:46 PM , Blogger La said...

There is always one co-worker you wanna kick in the throat. AT LEAST one. The key, of course, is to not do it. And at your next job to use it as a successful example of "problem solving" or "working with different types of personalities in the workplace", lol

At 6:15 PM , Blogger Southerner in Suomi said...

Yay for a car!! We're gonna speak on it holding up. One good thing is that you are working everywhere in the newsroom, which is good.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

I literally just had a desk flashback...and not a good one. But then I smiled, and recognized how much (bull)shit i learned there. but more importantly, how much shit i learned to deal with. Sometimes you gotta see the position for what you can learn and not necessarily for what you get to do. Trust me, you're gonna hate much of what you do before you start to love it. but stick with it. find small ways to get your foot into the things you actually like. try news things and see how they feel. But for craps sake dont cuss nobody out. i know how you bmore brothers be! lol

At 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see the hoopty!!!


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