Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In the Mix

Quick Update:

Graduation day is fast approaching.

Classes end on Monday.

I'm almost done being an R.A. minus that I have to check out the kids and inspect the rooms.

I'm almost done college guys.

Let's see about those classes, eh?

Internship: I'll likely finish up the first full week in May, though my boss has expressed interest in me staying on. He's a great boss, a tremendous mentor, but I'm broke and between lunch and bus fare for the past eight or so weeks I'm broke.

Independent Study: I'm interviewing a group of African American independent school (aka prep school) kids about their motivations for educational attainment. I'll ask what role their parents play, what role their peers play, and what role society plays in their decision making about educational attainment and how those outside influences impact their own self-identity and judgement.

Mag Publishing: I never talked about our project but we had to do a magazine prototype and our magazine was a teenage version of Essence and it's hot.

Criminal Justice: Our final is not a take home final. It's more of a group project where we work together to devise our ideal justice system.
Ooh and one of my group members is soooo hot. Not like $1.99 fine, but just overall an attractive person. Whew going miss that class.

Prospective Jobs:

I don't want to jinx myself.

Knocks on anything which looks like wood.


I did the writing test for one of those major cable networks. It'd be an entry level gig. Prayers said.... Fingers crossed they call me for my second interview.

I am supposed to set up an interview for a network owned and operated station in Philly. That would put me closer to best friend #1 whose attending UPenn med. I'm still working on that one.

I did the writing test for grad school and will be interviewed on Thursday night.

A prospective employer from outside the journalism field e-mailed me about a preliminary interview. He also included the salary range which I thought was interesting. Preliminary interview and salary range, don't want to read too much into it. Trust me for entry level anything two months out of school it's a good
range, but I'd earn my money.

And before I go today's music mix of songs on my mind, in my head, being played by me:

Citizen Cope - "Bullet and a Target"

Mario- "Music for Love"

Mary J. Blige - "Hurt Again"

Brian McKnight - "Everytime You Go Away"

Anthony Hamilton- "Pass Me Over"


At 6:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Im proud of you cnel for real! Please send me your address thru a facebook message I would like to at least send you something! :)

At 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you start getting some job offers. If you get the job at the cable news network I would be psyched!! My boy would be on CNN!!

Give me a copy of the mag. It sounds interesting.

At 9:56 PM , Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

Oh my word is that time already? I feel like a proud aunty!! congrats sweetie pie. Keep your prayers coming and let the offers pour in. :)


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