Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

"Harvard Girl" A Story in Multiple Parts Pt. 6

Me...the summer after I graduated college...before I started at LoCo.
My freshman year of college I found myself at a crossroads.

I had already resigned from the board in order to focus on my first year of college.

I had a rough beginning. I almost immediately regretted the decision to go to LoCo, I strongly disliked my roommate, I wasn't able find a niche and I did not make many friends.

By winter break I was so unsure of what the future held. I wanted some sort of stability. I thought that, that stability would come in the form of a romantic relationship.

I ended up beginning a short-lived relationship with the only other girl who had made me so enamored. She was the only other girl who I felt could make me make a fool of myself, and me not give it a second thought. The ironic thing about our relationship is that I met "the ex" before I even knew "Harvard Girl". "The ex" was my next door neighbor, and best friends with one of my cousin's. We played the cat and mouse game throughout high school. Never did I think anything would come of it. Something did become of the game playing and the flirting. I found myself growing to love her.

The concept of falling in love is one I steer clear of, because I don't think it right. If you fall into something, you can climb out. If you climb out, you can walk away. You don't just walk away from true love. Atleast in my opinion.

During those months I truly felt contented, felt I knew love. Then it ended without warning, without any clue. I instantly cut her off. I never heard her explanation for why things went south. I only knew that if she could let go that easily, she couldn't have loved me as I loved her.

I had never been so hurt in my life. I had never been so embarrassed.

The school year would end. I made it through without cracking.

I decided to rejoin the board, to give back to Bmore, and take my mind off of my feelings of disdain for LoCo.

Once I rejoined the board, I once again came face to face with "Harvard Girl".

So many people knew by now of my failed attempts. They encouraged me to try, try, and try again. Yet they couldn't see why I had developed such feelings for someone who did not feel the same way for me.

It was an unrequited love.

To be continued....


At 4:56 PM , Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

"During those months I truly felt contented, felt I knew love. Then it ended without warning, without any clue. I instantly cut her off. I never heard her explanation for why things went south. I only knew that if she could let go that easily, she couldn't have loved me as I loved her."

Well, the last line of that statement should be a motto to live by in 2007. Sorry it turned out that way but sometimes you never get the answers that you are truly seeking and you have to let people's actions speak for themself.

At 7:22 PM , Blogger La said...

OMG! I'm so into this! Stop teasing me!!! Lol

At 11:18 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

If you fall into something, you can climb out. If you climb out, you can walk away. You don't just walk away from true love. Atleast in my opinion.

*now this is deep my friend you know ill have questions for you tomorrow*

At 9:51 AM , Blogger Jameil said...

but do you need to climb out? sometimes its necessary to fall to truly give yourself. and if you're not willing to do that, then are you willing to fully love?


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