Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back At It

I'm back on campus and my room already looks a mess.

I'm unpacking but there is no method to my madness.

Is it bad that I've picked a bed, a dresser, and a desk?

My roommates don't arrive until next week.

In my mind, I have priority because I will be working here come Monday. I need to have stuff where it belongs so I can focus on what's more important the work I need to do.

So for some reason I got talked into moving on campus 9 days earlier than most other people. The only other people here are RA's, people still working on campus, and those participating in various leadership and service retreats. I must really love working at WLOY Radio. Last year I served as News Director, but I only really directed me. This year we hope to develop me a staff, so that I can be directed well someone other than me. LoL there instructions not mine.

Tomorrow at 2pm I have training for my part-time job as an aftercare counselor.

At 7pm I'm hosting an Aaliyah tribute show. Playing some of Aaliyah's music, reading some comments from those that knew her. Remembering her and honoring a life cut too short, two days the five year anniversary of her death this past Friday.

Monday it's our first staff meeting, and maybe some reporting for WLOY.

The rest of the week is up for grabs, though most of it will be consumed by WLOY.

I also hope to make it to the State Fair I want a funnel cake or some deep fried oreos or the chilled peaches and creme type sundae.

So for what may be the final time I ask: where has summer gone?


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