Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Yesterday, February 16 was Insane

I woke up at 6am, and mind you I don't even get up at 6am to be to my 8am class ontime. The only time I'm up that early is to study for a test or quiz.
I was on the bus stop at 7am, all the buses I needed were crowded and weren't going as far as I needed them to go.
I rode downtown, and then took the subway all the way to the county and the area near my high school alma mater.
I then walked in slush and mush to the high school in a wool peacoat, sweater, sexy dress shirt, nice slacks, and tennis shoes.
I got there at 9:40.
I watched the Black Awareness at my old high school rip it up.
I got a ride back to the subway, and made it back to campus for my 12:15pm class.
I went to class until 1:30, then grabbed lunch, and came back to eat in my room.
I went to work at 2:30, and got off at 6:00.
I rode with my coworker to get gas, she was too funny because New Jersey heads, don't pump their own gas, "This is like my second time pumping gas."
I went to the TV station around 6:45, and spent the next 5 or so hours there.
We shot a pilot for our new news, talk, and interview program, "News and Views", it turned out okay, except I had one half a popped collar the whole show. So one collar on my shirt was tucked in, and one stayed out.
The blooper reel is heelarious, I read my copy, sucked it up, and exclaimed very loudly, "Oh s*** (sugar)" really loudly it was utterly priceless.
I am about to see if I have any homework which requires my immediate attention, and hit the hay. I don't care about eating though I ate today cookies for breakfast, pizza for lunch, drunk plenty of juice and water, but still didn't have dinner.
I don't care cause I have an 8am, a 9am, anchoring, an 11am, a meeting with my professor, and then work from 1pm-6pm.
Lawd, lawd, lawd, but you know what I figured out a lot of things about myself, or was reminded of things about myself.
1) I need a girlfriend, why because if I have 2.5 hrs to travel to my high school, I got time to treat a woman like a queen.
2) I need to learn to say no, just because I make too many promises, and keep them. I think at a point people take your word for granted, and believe they can use and abuse you. My name is CNEL and that just ain't happening.
3) I should not volunteer to do everything, I should not agree to do. Stuff is time consuming, and me and time fight all the time, and time wins hands down.
4) Loyola has made me cuss like a sailor. Watching the blooper reel, I didn't realize I could exclaim such a word.
Aiight I'm tired, and I need to be productive tomorrow, and to get attacked by kids who have a four day weekend.


At 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Watching the blooper reel, I didn't realize I could exclaim such a word."

I knew you could say such things!!!! Just kidding. I told you that you are the hardest working college student in America!! You do too damn much. Take a break soemtime soon, prefereably when I come and visit.

At 12:32 PM , Blogger Jameil said...

i need you to go back several months. i think maybe december or something. i was telling you to stop spreading yourself so thin. remember that? uh huh. lolol. but for real. its better to be able to fully commit yourself to 2 or 3 things (outside of school) than partially to 8. or fully to 8 and want to shoot yourself by friday. lololol. i LOVE blooper reels!!!


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