Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Have You Ever?

Have you ever noticed how people make it hard for you to live, but easy for you to die?

Have you ever noticed how people make it hard for you rise to the top, but easy for you to stay with your face touching the ground?

Have you ever noticed how people find it easier to hate than to love?

Have you ever noticed how people find it easy to be jealous, but hard to be supportive?

Have you ever noticed how people can spend so much time worrying about you and your life and what's wrong with it, but not enough time focused on their own?

So many of our important civil rights leaders, so many of our role models, so many of God's chosen people are dying. They are leaving this Earth, and when they do so they are leaving us with a charge. They are leaving us with a charge to always create opportunities for ourselves, to always have for ourselves and for others nothing but high expectations.

I'm taking on the challenge, I am accepting the charge.

But let's make one thing clear I want my praise now, I want my love now, I want support now. People don't have to wait till I'm gone to give it to me.

My mother always says give me hugs and kisses now, because I can't feel them when I'm in my coffin on my way to the grave. I'm not touchy, touchy feely feely so she gets hugs and kisses when I please. But I do understand the sentiment.

People make it hard for you to live, but easy for you to die. They'll give you praise once your gone, but grief while you're still alive. Make it easy on me, let me know you love me now, let me know you love me today, let me know I'm on your mind, let me know I inspire you, let me know you're proud of me, and I will work to do the same.


At 1:54 PM , Blogger Jameil said...

the no touching "rule" got passed down in my fam. but i think i got the gene from my dad's side b/c i need constant attention and love hugs. except since my dad was always out of town, i got stuck w/mom who doesn't really like the hugs (no touching). so now hugging usually makes me uncomfortable. which i hate b/c its just not me. how much does that suck? but i really hate when strangers and even more co-workers touch me (as you know lol).


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