Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Weekend of Mines (Yes I Know Mines is not a Word)

* Note: Ebonics/slanguistics is an art form LoL so excusez moi LoL.

This weekend was great for the most part:
I went to see "The Boys of Baraka" on Friday night, it was awesome. I'll write a review and post it later in the week.
I went to visit my old internship at the TV station on Saturday.
I also did some reading I needed to catch up on.
I talked to my friend Britt, who I hadn't seen in forever.
Then I watched TV and I went to sleep.

And then there was today:
So it snowed last night and earlier today, and part of me had been wanting snow, but only so that I might have a chance at a snow day. Then I realized that since I am in college at a urban school, on a mostly residental campus, the chance for a snow day is slim to none.

I woke up at around 10:00pm IMed people, e-mailed people, researched the news for my show, typed up the information for my show, watched some TV and chilled.

Then I worked to resolve the issue which has been on my mind the entire weekend.

Okay so yesterday as we all know I had cold feet, and did not call the aformentioned girl, see the posts from 2-10 and 2-11-06.

Today My Girl L gave me a much needed wake up call see below:

Me (2:42:10 PM):i punked out and didn't call ol girl, so now I'm like she prolly goin be like this boy is playing games
My Girl L(2:42:16 PM): how?
My Girl L(2:42:30 PM): when did she give u the number
Me (2:42:37 PM): friday
Me (2:42:43 PM): I sent her a text
My Girl L(2:42:51 PM): boi if u dont stop trippin and call her now
Me(2:42:55 PM): and she didn't respond so what do you think that means
My Girl L (2:42:57 PM): U THINK WAYYY TOO MUCH
Me(2:42:59 PM): I'm scurred L
My Girl L (2:43:03 PM): u act like ur only chance was yesterday.
My Girl L (2:43:14 PM): STOP IT! ur killing me
Me (2:43:21 PM): lol
Me (2:43:39 PM): lol my cell has one bar
My Girl L(2:43:56 PM): who cares
My Girl L(2:44:15 PM): den u have an excuse to get off the fone if u start kirkin uout
Me(2:44:23 PM): lol
My Girl L(2:44:39 PM): stop reading into her wat is there to lose?
Me (2:44:49 PM): my reputation
Me (2:45:02 PM): but then again since i blogged about it, that's already gone
My Girl L(2:46:01 PM): ok u needa stop
My Girl L (2:46:04 PM): u overthink these things
Me (2:46:35 PM): i'm callin now
Me(2:46:42 PM): lol
My Girl L (2:46:46 PM): good
Me (2:46:52 PM): it's ringing
My Girl L(2:47:07 PM): u crazi
Me (2:47:17 PM): i think she gave me the wrong ..
Me (2:47:44 PM): it said you reached adrian that ain't her name, so i been texting the wrong person lol
My Girl L(2:48:07 PM): wow.
My Girl L(2:48:18 PM): how she give u the wrong numba
Me (2:48:24 PM): LoL no wonder I got no response
My Girl L (2:48:50 PM): ok
My Girl L(2:49:00 PM): did u ask for the numba...or she jus gave it?
Me (2:49:12 PM): she gave it
My Girl L(2:49:21 PM): ok well then she made a mistake
My Girl L (2:49:24 PM): cus that makes no sense

So did she make or a mistake, or did she play me? Or maybe she shares a phone with her moms. My cousin did suggest that option, and that maybe she didn't change the answering machine. Hmmm. So on my little radio show "The Coolout" I laid out my dilemma and got mixed reviews Epsilonicus aka GWill told me to keep pursuing her, my new friend Robyne told me to forget it.
I mean she has my numbers via a message on Facebook, so I think the ball is now back in her court. LoL. I couldn't handle the pressure. But I honestly believe in A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CALL.

In other news my little cousin Toni, whose six, is the cutest ever.
Me: Ask Toni can she bring me some food to my school?
My Big Cousin: Tone, Goody (dats me Christopher aka CNEL) said, can you bring him some food to his school?
Toni (In the background): Where his school at? Is it near here?
Me: Tell her she'd have to get on a few buses.
My Big Cousin: You going have to get on the bus.
Toni (In the background): I don't care, tell him I'll come. I'll go in my sleeper.
My Big Cousin: She said she'll come in her sleeper.
Toni (In the background): I'll put my coat on and go in my sleeper cause I want to stay the night.
My Big Cousin: She said she'll put her coat on and come in her sleeper cause she want to spend the night. (LoL) Hold on she want to speak to you...
Toni: Goody, can I come and spend the night at your school?
Me: You can't spend the night I live with five boys.
Toni: I don't care, I'll sleep in your bed.
Me: (LoL) You can't spend the night, but maybe I'll come spend the night at your house next weekend.
Toni: At our house?
Me: Yes, at your house. Ok?
Toni: Ok.
Me: Let me speak back to your mother

After that delightful convo which made me smile I hosted tonight check out and the soon to be created to see how I spent my Sunday night from 6pm-8pm.

I've since had a staff meeting at WLOY Radio, gotten dinner (first time I ate all day since Toni couldn't come for a visit LoL), and now am watching "Grey's Anatomy".

Thank God we have a two hour delay tomorrow because I have mad homework to do. I know I know procrastination is not my color, so I shouldn't continue to wear it.

I'll do better. Have a great week, we'll talk along the way.



At 1:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try and call one more time.

At 12:00 PM , Blogger Jameil said...

omg i love toni!! she's so cute! i need more stories! lololol and can you please do a blog about how and why she loves rachael ray so much? i'm hilariously intrigued! lololol


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