Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Last Day at Work

Last Day at Work

Ok so today is the last day of my internship. This is my second summer as an intern with the Authority. This summer was by far my best professional working experience ever.

A lot of my friends said I was faking the funk, because I had free time to blog, be on Facebook, and on MySpace. Don't hate me because I can multitask, and got paid double digits to do it.

Here's the breakdown on what I've been doing for two and half months:

The Who ? I worked for the Northeast Authority, a quasi government agency, which is charged with planning waste disposal projects. We consult different Maryland counties about what to do with solid waste aka trash and recyclables.

The What ? I was the Public Relations and Communications intern, specializing in research, writing, drafting documents, coordinating events, and projects. I helped draft text for a new brochure, I wrote articles for different newsletters, and helped coordinate the Authority's participation in an upcoming festival.

The When ? June 1- August 19, Weekdays 9am to 5pm, no sick days this year, though I was tempted.

The Where? Downtown Baltimore, walking distance of the Inner Harbor, and Orioles Park at Camden Yards

The Why? Public Relations and Communications experience are invaluable given be desire to be a broadcast journalist. I can now say I've worked on both sides being that this was a PR job, and I've worked at a television station.

I'm really going to miss going to work everyday. I've been treated as a young professional and young adult should. The experiences I've gained, and the things I've learned are going to be invaluable to me. It's only on to bigger and better from here on out.

In about two hours my summer as I know it will be over. I'm not that excited about school, maybe because this summer has gone so freaking fast. Maybe the next two weeks or so will get me siked up for school.

That's all for now.


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