Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, July 29, 2005

It's been so long since I sat down and wrote anything for fun, but a post by one of my myspace buddies inspired me to write this poem. Here's to Shannell:

by: Christopher Nelson

I am a man who knows that it takes a real woman to help me reach my highest level.
I am a man who can see the full potential of your being one with me.
I am a man who sees my life since meeting you, as a life which is pregnant with possibilities.
I am a man who believes not in the woman beside the man, but in the woman beside her man.
I am a man who will grow to love you, because falling in love with you would mean I could fall out, but growing to love you would mean my love gets stronger every day.
I am a man who will ask you what you need, and will do my best to provide it for you.
I am a man who will be content holding you, with your warmth and your touch to sustain me.
I am a man who will call you at night, and not talk, just so I can hear you breathe.
I am a man who won’t be afraid to cater to you, because I know in the end you’ll do the same for me.
I am a man who would go to the store to pick up your feminine products, because I knew you’ll make me feel masculine in a whole new way.
I am a man for whom taking it slow will only make me want you more.
I am a man who will work to earn your love, your trust, and your respect.
I am a man who won’t be afraid to say I love you each and every day, because I know I mean it.
I am a man who would kiss your forehead, kiss your navel, and kiss your toes, because kissing you is like kissing the fingertips of God.
I am a man who wants to love, and all I want is for you to love me.


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