Military Woman
"You crush more than anyone I know."
My mentee told me that, a while ago. He's a tad nutty. This is the same mentee that called me a few nights ago to say if he didn't wake up, he just wanted to tell me that I was a good mentor. Atleast he thought to call. In case you're wondering, yes the nut woke up. I just need to instruct him no more drunk dials. I don't do drunk dials so he can't doo drunk dials.
But it is true. Every few months, or every few weeks I develop a new crush.
The latest I first peeped last year. This child didn't know me from Adam but always managed to smile and wave. I must admit nice and friendly people scare me, when they're nice and friendly for no reason. Nice and friendly without provocation can mean some things. Okay maybe cause I was in my room, in a self-imposed quarantine I saw too much lifetime. By the way this weekend I loved YaYa Dacosta's movie "Racing for Time" maybe cause it was producd by Baltimorean Charles S. Dutton. Also cause YaYa to me is the prototype intelligent, beautiful, articulate, charming, family oriented, grounded and a whole lot more. In case you're wondering I wasn't an Eva fan.
Anyway back to the crush. She kind of looks like YaYa in her own little way. It's funny, I remembered my crush on her cause I'm mad cool with her roommate. Her roommate is a little mentee of mine. My best friend at school asked me why I hadn't asked her out. You want to know why? I jumped way ahead into the future.
Here's part of our convo:
"Why don't you ask her out?"
"Oh no we ain't doing that."
"Why not?
"What if I like her?"
"I thought you already liked her."
"No, I don't know her like that to like her. I just said I think she's cute."
"Oh, ok. But why don't you just ask her out?"
"What happens if I like her. If I really like her? I mean I'm moving away in a bit, she'll be in the military for forever."
"Oh that's right she is ROTC."
The more I think about it, the more stupid it is. It's probably more a question of what to do if she says no. I hate having to deal with awkward circumstances. Blah. But maybe I'll suggest we do lunch or something. Or maybe I'll run the idea past her roomie first. Naw. Just saying. HaHa.
Okay first off tell your lil wanna be gansta friend Matt to shut up! lol
But anywho you do always have crushes! Why dont you just ask the child out?! what do you possibly have to lose? But also you crush in a different way b/c you grew to dislike my roomate in a matter of weeks! oh yeah and stop calling the child boomerang feet!
Ask the girl out to lunch. Quit being a little punk ass. Yeah, I said. Punk ass!!!
Boomerang feet!! Thats hilarious!!
She fine as long as she doesn't get sent to Iraq. She might strangle you in your sleep because of PTSD.
Agent and Memph are fools, LOL...But yeah, that's why I keep my crushes unattainable, and at a distance, like there's this gymnast at the University of Alabama, Morgan Dennis...whooo, thick as hot water cornbread! But I know I'll never meet her to get my feelings hurt, so it works out, lol
its clear he's never met me. i am QUEEN crush a lot. life's not fun w/o one! and even better if you have 3+! please stop watching lifetime. how can you not like eva!? loved her. you know you have maaad crushes when you have to remember them. hilarious! and so me! stop bein a punk. all the more reason to get in some time while you can. do you really wanna ever look back and go "i could've at least tried"? yeah. didn't think so. go for it.
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