Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Monday, January 21, 2008


So I am back in Baltimore.

I got back at about 11:00 last night.

The flights weren't that bad. I am however not a fan of some of my fellow travellers. On flight one people stared at me, and some yeah I wanted to be like, "WTF u lookin at?" But I maintained my composure.

On flight two there was a large group of students who I couldn't tell if they were high school or college kids, just too loud, and obnoxious to have been on a plane with other people.

Then there are the people you come across in the airport. These fools use the restrooms and don't wash their hands. That's just trife.

So after I arrived the plan was to get something quick to eat, get back to campus, check my e-mail, and go to bed.

Here's what happened at Mickey D's #1

My Aunt ordering for me: May I have two double cheeseburgers, a McValue fry, apple pie, and sweet tea.
Mickey D's Girl: We are on our Late Night menu, we only have numbers 2 through 9, no dollar menu.
My Aunt: So can I have a number 2.
Mickey D's Girl: Let me see if they have that.
My Aunt: OK.
Me: Didn't she just say pick from 2 through 9?
Mickey Ds Girl: I'm sorry, I've just being informed that we're closing.

Well I'll be damned. Ignorant asses. Pissed me off.

Then we drove past a Mickey D's that wasn't 24 hours.

Then we went to another one, close to my house, though I was headed back to school. This time they shorted us change, then a guy jumped us in line, sat there for 10 minutes, and got food he didn't pay for.

I'm too through because I have a 7:30 wake up call.

I've got to be the only intern, interning on a holiday.

I don't even think the other interns have started yet.

This is just crazy.

So I guess I need to go to sleep.


At 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do need to get some rest


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