Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Back at School

So I'm back at school.

We have two days of R.A training. As I said before I don't know what they are going to teach me that I don't already know.

After an afternoon of doing different reflection activities, we went out to dinner. We went to Towson Diner, which is apparently a staple for LoCo students, but I'd never been there. Go figure. My mother says I'm a contrarian and always say what I'm not going to do. She's right. But I never follow people. I didn't get to where I am by following other people, rather than leading my own path. I ended up having a cheese burger deluxe, which equalled a burger, fries, and cole slaw. It was all good.

Later we had to stop by a gathering of all the RA's with some booty doo karoke. Ummm pass.

So I went back to the dorm and I helped a friend move back in to the dorm. We made like three trips from her car to her dorm room. My homie had a lot of stuff. So we decided to take a ride in search of dessert. Instead of searching for a place we decided on one of her favorite spots Bill Bateman.

I interrupt this blog to announce I like this song, which was playing on the car ride to Bateman's.

Natasha Bedingfield's "Love Like This"

I concede, I'm probably late, but I don't listen to the radio. I'm too busy doing other stuff.

Back to the blog...

So she treated me to dessert at Bill Bateman's. Yeah it's the wing lace but it also has good wings. I don't remember what we shared but it involved a chocolate chip cookie baked in a skillet topped with ice cream, and fudge. Delish.

What wasn't delish. The stares I got from jump. As soon as I walked into the place stares and glares. Damn, can't be seen with a white woman? The hostess looked like she wanted to say something. Then there was a black couple sitting a table away, after staring for a minute they got over. Then enter a younger black couple and the woman at the table did not stop eyeing me. I was like damn, see something you like.

Yeah, I was a little bothered by it.

I love black love.

I finally got around to watching "Will You Marry Me" on

It was coo my fave couple Davon and Nerisse, yes, I agreed with J's sugestion. My second favorite Demetrius and Chrissy. But I def liked Davon's proposal the best.

I'm all for black love but people need to get over their perceptions of what's legit or not.

First, I wasn't on a date. Second, if I were to date outside my race I don't think I should be looked at as a science experiment. Nor should I be shot "that look", which equals the look of scorn.

People irkin me already making me count down til I jet for San Antonio.

What's even better is that once I get back I have a day off. We're celebrating MLK Day on the 21st. It actually sucks because although I don't have class, I just realized I don't have class anyways. Monday's is one of the days for the internship and I'll probably have to go in, cause the news doesn't give the day off. There goes sleeping in!


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At 2:11 PM , Blogger Chris said...

it's always been an interesting thing to observe that black folks are the ones who raise the most cane if a brother does happen to date outside his race. Not saying it's a right or a wrong thing, just interesting to note.

At 2:27 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

yeah, I always try to give a look of encouragement when I see mixed couples. Also, I'm behind on stuff too, plus I like to reminisce with music sometimes.

At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say brush the haters away. It was not even a date. But maybe you should try and expand. Dont abandon Black love but include more people in your of potentials. Go out on a date with an Asian or Hispanic. Just don't date any ugly women.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with ya momma you be acting that way! but your in no way a follower I knew that the first day i met you!

About the stares I could just picture how you looking.


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