Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

And let the church say... Pt. 2

Imagine my surprise when I read an article in The Baltimore Sun which said that my granddad’s church, the same one that burned down, had managed to get the pastor a Bentley.

How’d they twerk that? I sat and I wondered.

This is the same church that The Sun reports couldn’t pay its water bills, or a mortgage on a property the church owns/owned.

I think I first got hip to the preaching about prosperity, when I went to a church website and you didn't see a sanctuary but a picture of a Beemer. Since when did Beemer's become synonymous with Jesus.

Are we so caught up in overplaying any prosperity philosophy that we forget to do God’s work?

Oh and no CNEL does not sit in judgement.

I am among the least of us, an acknowledged sinner, far from perfect, yes I have sought forgiveness.

I just have a problem where its more about appearances, than it is about the word.

Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised when my granddad would come home denoting the absurb number of offerings collected at a service. Not just the normal tithes and offerings, not even an extra for a building fund, how about one for the first lady.

I have no problem with ministers teaching that our faithfulness and obedience shall be rewarded.

What I do find problematic is teaching solely based or in large part based upon some sort of prosperity philosophy or theology.

There has to be more motivation for one to lead a life worth living than promise of material possessions.

Up next the Leaders of the Flock…


At 12:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These ministers are worse than pimps...

At 1:48 AM , Blogger Jameil said...

"I just have a problem where its more about appearances, than it is about the word." WORD.

do you know at my mom's church the pastor said God wants him to be a millionaire. not off the backs of your parishoners bub. GET A JOB!! at last check he didn't even have regular office hours at the church and makes nearly 6 figures. disgusting.


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