Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Time Flies...

* This is post number 400.

It's like whoa. Do I write that much? I guess so.

I cannot believe the end of the school year is upon me. I have two papers to do and then I'll be free. I'll be better than free, I will be able to say I made it through yet another year of college. I can say that I'm a senior in college. Better than that, I'm on schedule. Four years, and I'm out baby.

So much has happened since last year:

The month spent living in Italy

Being part of the NPR Next Generation Radio Project in St. Louis

Being on the faculty of the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Seattle

Being a presenter at the Student Diversity Leadership Conference at My School

Almost Pledging

Becoming an Resident Assistant

Deciding to run for Student Representative for the Association

Deciding to move to Illinois for the summer to do the T.V. internship

Being Selected for the President's Council at My School

I've been blessed.

I had one of those moments of clarity where I got a dreaded e-mail, and listened to a dreaded voicemail message. My bestfriend from high school (the other besty not Epsi) telling me that a friend of ours had been in an ATV accident while at a retreat. Her roommate was driving, they hit a rock, and she flew off. She hit her face on a rock, and hit her side, breaking her kidney (her mom's a doctor and that's still what she said), breaking her wrist, and possibly tearing ligaments in her knee and leg. She is doing better, and was able to talk to me twice once Monday, and once today. But this reminded me that life is about relationships, about the people whose lives we are able to share. Thankfully my incessant talking was able to help cure my friends boredom, to reassure her, and cheer her up during this time in her life. She's been through a lot since we started college. So I still want to be her rock. I have to remember to be that rock in moderation, as not to outdo her boyfriend. That'd so be a bad look. Those lives we touch, and those lives which touch us are so invaluable.


At 12:39 PM , Blogger Jameil said...

ATVs are so dangerous. we write about atv axes all the time. i wouldn't get on one w/o a helmet or on crazy terrain. i know they SAY all-terrain vehicle, but anything could happen. hope your friend gets better.

your resume is sounding TIGHT! congrats homie. did you send me your address???? b/c i didn't get it.

At 9:01 PM , Blogger La said...

Congrats on an awesome year! And may your friend's accident be a lesson to you. Life is far too short and unexpected to spend it not living the life you want.


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