Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Getting On My Nerves

"its easier to like ppl if u dont kno erything about them cuz they dont have the chance to get on your nerves"
-Grace O. per an AIM convo

Oh how true this statement is right now.

and here goes another

"There's always a hater in the room."
-Jalessa S. per discussion

You got to guard yourself against detractors, those who'd bring you down versus build you up.

So lately some people have said to me you seem different, you're acting funny.

I don't think I'm acting different.

I'm just living life, doing me, not worrying about people's nonsense.

I don't need any drama in my life.

Being me is a full time job, so I have little time for games. I'm just avoiding dealing with stupidity.

On another note, it feels so good to be taking back control.

So next semester I decided I'm not going to host shows for campus radio on the weekend, and after the current school year, I won't be news director at the campus radio station either. You see I have this problem. I'm a constant giver. I give so much of my time, energy, and effort, that is my talent. I might not be the smartest, most attractive person, but I am passionate and I am loyal. But I'm reclaiming something which I was so willing to give away, my time which I know now is a part of my treasure.

Oh and I've decided not to let crazy ppl get on my nerves, while let them kill my buzz, steal my joy. As one of my bestfriends says so often, "The devil is a liar."


At 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actin funny!! Hahahahah lol j/k

Some people just need to realize that you change. As we experience new things we change. You are suppose to.


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