Break from Italy Blogging, Cuz I Think I Was Tagged by SoWise
Keepin it Real Since 1986...
1. If you could be doing what you really want to be doing for a living, what would it be?
I'd be a professor, diversity consultant, college/prep school admissions officer, an attorney, a news anchor
2. If you could slap the shit out of any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?
Mmm can't think of anyone right now
3. What's the dumbest decision you've made in the past 5 years?
Could possibly be not biting the bullet and going to Howard or Temple, depends on who you talk to. I was looking at the financials and didn't realize that according to some the only thing loans are good for are your education or real estate.
4. Give up one for a year: (good) sex or (good) music.
Sex cause I'm in Italy right now minus some good old Hip Hop, Rap, R & B, Jazz, Classical, and or Gospel, and I'm dying.
5. Dudes, would you rather have a big dick or a great sense of humor?
LoL this question is ridiculous. I think the physical fades and the mental stays. Charm and charisma are powerful tools.
6. So you've been invited to an all expense paid Blogger Prom in The Bahamas. You're sitting at the bar on the beach. Which blogger do you want to join you for hours of good convo?
I can't pick one look at the side of my page.
7. Which blogger would you most like to cuddle with on the beach? (and don't defer to your current signif other either. Infidelity won't count against you. Duh.)
LoL not falling for that one lol.
8. You're going on a 5 hour road trip...which 5 CDs do you bring?
1. Jill Scott (1st one "Who is Jill Scott?"
2. India Are "Voyage to India"
3. 112 "Pleasure and Pain"
4. Vivian Green "Vivian"
5. Smokie Norful (1st One)
9. Would you rather bury your children young or have your children bury you young?
Wow. I don't think there is a right answer for this, so I will speak from what my perspective is right now. I never had a father growing up, I only had a mother. Having said that I would rather live to see my children be born, and give them an opportunity to get to know me. I would rather I leave this earth and know that my children have been given the slightest bit of knowledge of me, than see my children go before having the opportunity to live and learn through work and play. But at the end of the day I know, "I am just an instrument, the creator blows his note through me." (Not mine but conveys my mentality)
10. What's your biggest insecurity?
I'm afraid of failure. Success I believe will show me I have lived a life worth living.
11.What's the first blog you read every day...or however often you read them? (And I swear to God, don't be saying mine just cuz I'm the one asking...unless of course you really mean it. lol)
Hmmm Jameil or SoWise, cause Eps generally gives me a heads up
12. When's the last time you peed your pants?
Probably one of those early mornings when I felt the needed to go to the bathroom, but I would rather just stay in bed
13. Which was better, your first kiss or your first pay check?
Kiss. Some things have almost a priceless value in a sense.
14. Do you have kids? Want kids?
Love them, love my little cuzzos, work with kids, but don't think they are for me.
15. You get dropped off at home after the office holiday party by your bitch azz boss that you can't effing exit the car and he peels out, runs a red light at your corner and rolls up an unsuspecting midget. The next day the midget watch groups are on TV outraged at the heartless hit and run, and are calling for any witnesses to please come fwd...that half dead midget has a family at home waiting on C-mas presents. Would you take $1000 hush money? $500? $100? A six pack?
Lawd people where are our ethics? I'm from Baltimore where "snitches get stitches" according to Carmelo, so I'm thinking on it.
16. Live the rest of your life without your eyebrows or your fingernails?
17. What makes you angry?
Conceitedness (Jameil is that a word)?
Disrespect (feeling disrespected)
Disorganization (Please come correct)
People wasting my time
Bad weather
18. What makes you horny?
This question is so wrong. Marriage and then lovemaking. (Got to be diplomatic)
19. What makes you nervous?
Moving: I hate packing and moving
School: Going to class makes me nervous, cause you never no what you're going to get
Thoughts of a certain young woman
People staring at me: esp. young women I deem beautiful cause I just don't know what do with myself
20. What makes you smile?
My mother. (If truth be told, though I swear if she got paid to irk me she'd be a billionaire, and I'd be the billionaire's son living it up.)
My family (They are nutty as all get out, but real with it. You couldn't write what they make me live.)
My friends (They keep me honest.)
A well-timed phone call from a friend (I love catching up with people I haven't talked to in forever)
A good book
A good movie
Good music
A good blog entry
Solitude (People think its weird, but you grow to appreciate it, trust what I tell you)
yes lol conceitedness is a word. when a beautiful woman looks at you, you should look back, smile, then go speak. a lot of beautiful and/or intimidating women don't get approached. or they get approached by some yahoo w/cornrows and gold teeth.
and why do you have to be diplomatic?
i would pick 112's 112 or room 112.
Forget that diplomatic bs, tell us!!! And would you cuddle with. I told, you have too also!!
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