Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

She Loves Good Cooking

So over Spring Break, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with members of my family, and I was most excited to spend time with two of my little cousins Tori (aka Lil B. Smith) and Toni (aka lil Rachel Ray). (See pics from 3/03).

Tori is 4 years old, is talkative yet shy, has a great sense of humor, and has an mature demeanor. Given that she didn't talk much when she was younger, and my mother, and I were both concerned, to see her talk now, is mind boggling. Tori is a toy aficionado, she loves Bratz Dolls and anything Dora the Explorer.

Toni is 6 years old, is talkative, is energetic, outgoing, is very playful, she too has a great sense of humor. My biggest concern is her attention span, which is hella short, and it bothers her parents, and her teacher to a degree. Toni is a pop culture aficionado. She loves her Hip Hop & R &B.

Much like her mother Toni loves fashion, music, movies, and just entertainment in general, but a foray unto itself is her devotedness to one Rachel Ray and The Food Network.

Recently at the request of Ms. Jameil I sought to find out why little Toni see pics below from 3/03 is so in love with Rachel Ray.

So I asked her mother my cousin Dionne, why she watches Rachel Ray so faithfully.

My cousin told me she didn't know, but that it had something to do with my mother.

I remembered that my mother when she's home from work in time, and doing summers will call Toni to tell her "Rachel Ray is on."

I can remember being home, Toni being over for a visit, and her dropping everything she was doing to watch Rachel Ray.

So I asked my mother, why she thought Tone as we call her, was so devoted to Rachel Ray. She said she didn't know, but all she knows is that Tone is a true Rachel Ray fan.

So I did what every journalist does, I went to the source.

Below is the transcript of a recent phone conversation with Tone.

Me aka CNEL: Tone, why do you like Rachel Ray so much?
Toni: I don't know, I just like her cooking.
Me aka CNEL: You just like her cooking?
Toni: I want to go over her house.
Me aka CNEL: You want to go over Rachel Ray's house?
Toni: Yeah.
Me aka CNEL: She lives in New York.
Toni: I don't care, I still want to go over there.

I have a feeling Toni will soon be traveling, shoot, she may even fly solo, HaHa.


At 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her and my lil bro would get along lovely

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Jameil said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!! i love it!! that was great! do you think she'd let me come along? the b.f. said he's concerned about my love for rachael. he said if rachael ray offered to take me on a trip for a week and just cook the whole time and the same time kyle had a week off and wanted to meet me in the middle that i would go w/rachael ray.

i was so appalled! then i said, but its a once in a lifetime opportunity! i would have to! why would you make me choose? that's terrible! lololol!! that was one of the funniest convos we had! hahahahahaha!!


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