Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Friday, March 03, 2006

This Week

This has been a long week for me, but isn't that a little like stating the obvious!

So the good news is that my aunt/godmother is getting better, and my family is doing what it should always do, stand by each other, and take care of each other.

I still must deal with my Uncle passing, even though he was ill with cancer, his death came suddenly and was shocking. When we lay him to rest next week, we must all remember his loyalty to a family he married into, and his loyalty to my aunt.

Schoolwork: I was just beginning to have faith, and beginning to see why I must do some of the things that I do. But then some teachers started acting a lil "crazy and deranged", in the words of Michael Baisden.

Schoolwork: I definitely realized that I'll have to do a lot in order to supplement the knowledge I'm receiving, with a little knowledge of my own.

Radio station stuff: I'm still supposed to interview the kids who protested the proposed school closings on my show on Sunday.

Radio station stuff: I had to help deal with a group of students from underrepresented backgrounds threatening to boycott XULA Party, the benefit concert to benefit Xavier University in Louisiana. Some of the students of color are upset that "Afroman" of "Because I Got High" fame is performing. I have said before, his message isn't one I necessarily agree with, but a lot has gone into planning this concert, and at the end of the day it's about Xavier and New Orleans. He is enthusiastic about performing because of his Mississippi roots, and was anxious to be apart of something productive which helped people instead of hurt people. We have to seek to help others, and remember the greater good that can hopefully be done by a benefit concert. It's definitely made me more aware of the fact that I must be a liasion between the students of color, and the radio station. I'll have to be more conscious of that role as time moves on.

Part time job: My kids were actually able to bring smiles to my face this week. Their honesty and realness kept me honest.

I am looking forward to some private time, some time to clear my head.

And some time to spend with my girls below you see Toni, my little ace, and Tori my other little ace. I love my little cuzzos. I haven't seem them in ages, since probably early in the school year! They're my two favorite lil cousins. They are the little women in training! They are like The Delaney Sisters, they are going to have their say! I'll be away for a few days, but I'll check in next week. Ya'll come back now ya hear!


At 10:29 PM , Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

Look at you, all productive and stuff. lol SO glad to hear that you're still able to make such moves in the face of family adversity and difficulty. You're a strong young man, Mr. Nelly. Keep that chin up!

At 4:02 AM , Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

so Mashaun copies your blog format? lol


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