Impossible is Impossible

This blog is my way of reflecting upon life. Life is about living and learning. As I live and learn I’m going to reflect upon this life I lead. Hopefully I'll offer something insightful with my postings. If you learn nothing else from me, know this that “impossible is impossible”.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Calling A Time Out

I am calling a time out.

So earlier today I had my first day of school as a college sophomore. I had three of my five classes, mistakenly went to work though I start tomorrow, and felt as if things here at Loyola had gotten a lot better. Last year quite frankly was horrid, so I felt as if I had nowhere to go but up.

When I went to sleep last night I was really feeling my suitemates, but as I go to sleep tonight I may end up loathing my direct roommate.

Here's what went down:

So I come back to my room after a long day of classes, mistakenly going to work, handling some other business, et cetera, et cetera. I come back only to find I'm locked out of my room. I'm okay with that I'm thinking maybe my roommate is changing, maybe he's taking a nap, maybe he needs a really quiet environment so he can study. So I get lost for another oh hour and a half. I spend time in the comp lab (mine still hasn't arrived yet), I spend time watching TV (though there is nothing on that interests me), and I spend time just wandering around my building(what else is there to do to kill time).

When I go upstairs to do some homework dude finally let's me in the room. It turns out he wasn't changing, unless it was positions, wasn't napping, unless it was the after sex nap, and he wasn't studying, unless biology and anatomy are part of his courseload. Dude had his girlfriend over. How was I supposed to know?

I mean I have problem with him trying to get it in, I just need a little heads up. I won't be jumping through any hoops to help this man get his on the regular, but I can respect the need for both space and privacy, but come on be considerate. Dude, didn't ask me if he was intruding on my space, on my time, and taking advantage of my kindness. He better not push it, because as I told my former roommate, "Don't make me go Baltimore on you."

I'm flexible but you dick around with your partners and not mess with CNEL. Don't take the "kindness for weakness", cause you don't know me.

As with everyone dude deserves another shot but he better not push it. I am from Baltimore, and I do come correct. It's not about me being a tough guy, it's about me making his life tough.

I know one thing if they did the do they better air my room out and spray some friggin air freshner, atleast I know they didn't use my bed, that beats high school when people asked that you volunteer your bed for their usage. People are so nasty. Let's get it together people. Let's get it together.


At 1:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say you slap his ass Baltimore style.

At 9:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

CNEL sounds angry!

Don't hurt anyone!


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